Saturday, May 3, 2014

Birth Story-Part 2

I started feeling tons of pressure and thought it might be time to push but in the back of my mind kept reminding myself that is how I felt with my daughter and I wasn't even close to fully dilated.  I paged the nurse and when she checked me she said that I had a lip left and then it would be time.  She was going to page the doctor and let her know.

Every time I was checked I would have everyone leave the room so I felt like I had some dignity before I was completely exposed to the whole room.

The nurse was about to get the doctor when she just happened to walk in to check on me, she truly is the best doctor I've ever had.  The doctor came in and checked me and said I was ready.  At that point I had a mini panic about this being the end.  I had been wanting to be done with the pregnancy and have my body back but in that split second I freaked out.  I think I even said out loud that I wasn't ready yet, that it wasn't time.  I literally wanted to keep him safe a little longer.  It was a bit chaotic at this point and everyone seemed to be moving in super speed but in slow motion at the same time.  It is bizarre to think about.  Almost like it was out of body experience and I was watching from the outside in.

It was almost 5:30 pm and I had my mom on my left side and Mr. California was standing behind my mom waiting.  My friend, Jen was there taking pictures of the birth, I highly recommend having someone do that for you!  Mrs. California was suiting up to help deliver her son!  My best friend, Jenny was on my right side.  For a second Mrs. C and Jenny were almost not allowed to be in the room.  The nurses were being brats about how many people could be in the room.  Yeah I don't think so.

It came time to push and I honestly was so nervous!  With my daughter I pushed for almost 2 hours and she needed assistance to make her entrance.  I was worried that I'd be pushing forever with no progress and need a c-section.  A c-section was my biggest worry since I could tell how big this baby was going to be.  I started pushing and my mom was cheering me on and counting and as well as my friend.  I pushed with all my might and honestly didn't know if I was even pushing since I could NOT feel a darn thing.  Another worry was that I would feel the stitches I knew I would be needing after baby was born and had pushed the epidural booster in between contractions at one point.  I pushed for a good 15 minutes though and he was Earth side and placed him on my belly while his mom cut his cord.  It was absolutely amazing and the coolest thing to watch her deliver her baby and the excitement on her face.

I am pretty sure I had a tear streaming down my face the entire time I was pushing him out.  I could feel the presence of my biggest cheerleaders that had passed.  It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have been apart of.

While he was on my belly I was able to kind of wipe his face off and then they took him to the bed where his mom was able to adore him more.  At this point the dad was repetitively thanking me and we were both just sobbing!  It was truly an amazing thing to be part of!

My friend, Jen who took the L&D photos and is a fellow surro sister 
Finally holding him when I wasn't so loopy

My daughter meeting him for the first time.

My friend, Jenny!

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