Saturday, November 16, 2013

Surro Sisters Luncheon

Four out of the six of us are pregnant and one will be pregnant shortly.

We are about a week and a half apart.  You can't really tell but I am further along then Jen is.

With all the craziness that has been going on it was a much needed girl time with these lovely ladies.  We try and get together once a month.  I am not always able to make it but I needed this time for me.  These are the only women who truly get the feelings I have and know what I am going through.  I can say something and they don't look at me like I am crazy because they have felt the same way or similar.  They have been my complete support aside from my best friend and I am so grateful for them!  These are girls who aren't just a monthly visit but we spend time together and are truly friends and are there for each other.  I love them to pieces and so glad to have them apart of my life and this journey!

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