Monday, February 4, 2013

Prepping for the evaluations

Shortly after Mrs. California and I decided to work together we started planning for the medical and psych eval.  I made appointments here so that I could help save them some money.

I work for a company that one of the perks is they cover my blood work and process my labs whatever they might be for free.  Since there is a lot of things that need to be cleared to make sure I'm in tip-top shape I started early to make sure we could be one step closer to the big transfer day!

I have my pap and some extra tests done and everything came back clear on those.  I just recently had my blood work done for literally everything under the sun.  Those probably won't be back until it gets closer to flying to LA for the medical screening with their fertility doctor.

The psych eval has come and gone as well, I honestly thought it would or should be more to it then it was.  Mrs. California had set up an appointment with the lady who did my eval and the day after I got the email from her I was talking to her on the phone.  She basically asked about myself and my family.  If there was any abuse of any kind and make sure that I would be okay giving the babies back.  She said I sounded great and then I just needed to fill out the 300+ questionnaire and she'd get it sent to Mr&Mrs California's fertility doctor!

I have done everything that I can on my side of things and now we are four days out to flying to meet my sweet IP's!!  I am just a little bit excited about this!  I honestly feel like we have been friends and in each other's life for much longer then three weeks!

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