I don't know about you but I have had too many people in my life who have dealt with cancer .PERIOD. When I think of breast cancer I think of three beautiful women who have overcome, passed on, or who are in the process of fighting this disease. Think of your mother, your child, your aunt, your best friend; there are so many women that can benefit from this cause. I don't just think of breast cancer when I think of Race for the Cure although that is what this cause is specific for. I think of my papa who fought a difficult fight to prostate cancer. I think of my mom and the crohn's disease that she has and due to medicine she is on is very susceptible to getting cancer. This is a cause that is very emotional for me and has been close to my heart for over ten years. If you are able to donate even a little bit it would help so much in the long run. If you are in Salt Lake City on May 12 please join our team called Utah Surrogate Mothers and run with us! Join HERE!
My sweet grandma found out last year that she had breast cancer. She had it removed and is doing treatments now. This is for her!
This is my sweet Great Aunt Genell. She had breast cancer years ago, ended up getting a double mastectomy done and won her battle. She recently passed away this year due to natural causes. This is for her!
I have another Great Aunt Gloria who was so amazing and wonderful! She always had a smile on her face and easily made you laugh or smile. She lost her battle to breast cancer over 7 years ago. The hardest thing was watching this amazing rock star slowly die. This is for her!